Tuesday 23 July 2013

Penny Matrix

Can you really make big money with a Penny Matrix?
Since 1996, my wife Lisa and I have joined maybe a half dozen “pennymatrix” programs.

Some of these programs we promoted hard, and others… not so much.

But in each and every case, the bottom line is:

We DID NOT make significant money.

Is this because we are lazy, don’t know what we are doing or suck at marketing online?

Nope. Not at all.

In fact, since 1996 Lisa and I have built five six-figure, even multiple six-figure businesses working part-time in our spare time online. We have a team of over 11,000 active network marketing distributors worldwide in one company, and even have a team of 8,600 in yet another penny matrix program. So how much do we make with a team of EIGHT THOUSAND in another forced matrix? Less than $1,000 per month.

And if we were to build out this new pennymatrix.com program to have $8,600+ active members it would pay out roughly $2,000 per month.

Which isn’t bad.
Because heck, an extra $2,000 per month could dramatically improve your life.

Think about it.

How would your life be different if you started raking in an extra $500… $1,000… even $2,000 (or more) each and every month without having to work a lot of overtime or pick up a 2nd job?
Would you be driving the same car?
Would you be living in the same neighborhood?
Would you still find yourself tossing and turning at night worrying?
Chances are… your life would be significantly better with a few extra dollars coming in. Right?
Of course.

So let’s “crunch the numbers” and let me show you perhaps a BETTER WAY to make significant money online fast and why you might NOT want to promote a penny matrix.

A mentor of mine once advised me,
“Stop Stepping Over Dollars to Pick Up Pennies”

And at the time I had no clue what in the world he was talking about.

But as I continued to earn how to make more money in my own business, I soon discovered it is just as easy (or challenging) to sell something that pays you $100 per sale as it is to sell something that pays you only $0.30 per sale.


Think about it this way…

Right now, as I write this blog post, over 2,900 people just like you are sitting down at their computers and searching for “penny matrix” or “pennymatrix” or “penny matrix review” or even “penny matrix scam” each and every month.

Why? Because you heard about the program somewhere… somehow… and you have decided to learn more.

Which is a good thing. And if you like what you find… you can CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE PENNY MATRIX PROGRAM.

Now let’s play with the numbers a little bit by assuming 20% of the people who search for pennymatrix actually find this blog post and 10% of these people actually join the program on a monthly basis.
2,900 people search per month, 580 read this blog post, 58 join the program58 x $0.30 = $17.40 per month, $17.40 x 12 = $208.80 per month end of the year
Okay. Again, not bad. At least we are profitable.

And if you factor in the REAL WORLD reality that about 5% of the people who join will actually also promote the program (the MAJORITY will never sign up a single person regardless of price)… you could reasonably assume you might make $500 per month after a promoting the pennymatrix program for a year.
Bottom line – It takes a LOT of people to make a profit.

Which is not a bad thing if you have an AUTOMATED way of promoting the program – like this blog post.

It might take me 2 hours to research, write and promote this blog post to rank well on the search engines… and once it ranks… each and every month I could expect to sign up about 58 people.

So the KEY to making even more money would be write and review a ton of other programs… get the blog posts to rank… and literally create an automatic money-making machine that works 24/7 even while you are sleeping. Right? And that is exactly what I teach you to do here – Posting On Purpose for Profit. (We make about $40,000 PER MONTH blogging, by the way!)

There are only three ways really to make more money in your own business:
Get more customersEarn more per saleGet customers to buy more
The easiest way I’ve found to make more money fast is to promote programs that pay you a monthly residual income on both your efforts and on the efforts of those you sign up.

So, in this case, (if automated) promoting a penny matrix fits the criteria and makes sense.

But better is to promote a program that pays MORE.

For example, instead of $0.30 per sale… what if you could earn $100 per month for each sale?

Now let’s crunch the numbers – but let’s assume only 1% of the people who read about the program actually join because it is more expensive (again, a REAL WORLD REALITY):
2,900 people search per month, 580 read this blog post, 5.8 join the program5.8 x $100 = $580 per month, $580 x 12 = $6,960 PER MONTH end of the year
Think about that.

The WORK is the same, but the money-making results are not even in the same league.
Stop Stepping Over Dollars to Pick Up Pennies

Promoting a penny matrix program is not a bad idea if you have a way to automate the marketing AND incur little, if any, marketing costs. This can be done by blogging, using social media marketing and even video marketing techniques.

However, if you are honestly serious about taking your business income to the next level – consider programs that pay you at least $100 per month per sale.

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