Tuesday 23 July 2013

Article Marketing Tips

Looking for article marketing tips?
An effective article marketing strategy can help you take your business to the next level by generating new traffic, leads and sales on complete autopilot once you have a few systems in place.

In fact, my wife and I have been using “article marketing strategies” since 1996 to us help build out FIVE six-figure, even multiple six-figure business online.

We use a simple content marketing strategy that has never failed to produce a profitable result.
So let’s talk more about, shall we?
Before we talk about WHAT WORKS… let’s take a look at the 3 most critical mistakes most people make. One of the best article marketing tips you can walk away with today is to realize, as we shared in the video, is you should not expect your article to get actually read by too many humans.

Most article directories like EzineArticles.com and AricleBase.com no longer rank well on the search engines and so not too many people are finding and reading the articles posted there anymore.

This doesn’t mean it isn’t valuable to publish your article on these old authority sites – it is – but not for the purpose of getting your content read.

The value comes from the BACKLINK you get from the authority that links back to your original article, web page or blog post. The reason is the more backlinks you get from authority sites – the higher your original content will rank on the search engines. And the higher your content ranks… the more traffic, leads and sales you will get.

Let’s walk through a live example using a number of effective article marketing strategies that work.
As you know, this is a blog post and what you are reading right now is an article about “article marketing tips”.

This post has been optimized to include the keyword phrase article marketing tips in the title, first paragraph, last paragraph and a few times within the body copy itself when it makes sense. This process basically tells the search engines what this particular blog post is about and proper on-page keyword optimization is critical to getting more traffic, leads and sales.

Once we have published our original article – now we want to either rewrite the article or get a new article and use it as a BASE ARTICLE for mass distribution purposes.

Mass distribution?

Exactly. Now we want to use automated software programs to distribute unique copies of our article to hundreds, even thousands of article directories and blogs and LINK BACK to our original article from within the author bio box.

These BACK LINKS are what causes a web page, blog post or video to rank on the front page of the search engines – which is critical because you want to make it easy for people to find you when they are actively searching for what you have to offer.

If you want to review some of the more popular program for mass article distribution see our backlink builder post. One of the challenges of mass article distribution for backlinks to get your original article to rank is the need for two articles. The original article that you post to your web site or blog (or an authority site like Hubpages or Squidoo) needs to be at least 600 words long and offer value to the reader.

Ideally you should also add a few graphics and maybe even a video.

For distribution purposes you DO NOT want to use a copy of the original article because the search engines do not index or rank duplicate content and you run the risk of creating duplicate if you spin and distribute the original.

Instead, subscribe to a cheap article writing service or software program like Article Builder to get a distribution article.

Another helpful idea is to use different authors for the distribution articles.

This will help you track the effectiveness of the articles and also keep your name “clean” from any potential bad neighborhoods the automation software may distribute your content to.

Click the banner on the top right side of this page to get instant access to my private 5 Day Attraction Marketing bootcamp.

See the banner? It reads:
Discover How to Get 100+ Free Leads for Your Business and Get Paid Even if They Do Not Join Your Team

So there you go. Proven article marketing tips to help you take your business to the next level.

Penny Matrix

Can you really make big money with a Penny Matrix?
Since 1996, my wife Lisa and I have joined maybe a half dozen “pennymatrix” programs.

Some of these programs we promoted hard, and others… not so much.

But in each and every case, the bottom line is:

We DID NOT make significant money.

Is this because we are lazy, don’t know what we are doing or suck at marketing online?

Nope. Not at all.

In fact, since 1996 Lisa and I have built five six-figure, even multiple six-figure businesses working part-time in our spare time online. We have a team of over 11,000 active network marketing distributors worldwide in one company, and even have a team of 8,600 in yet another penny matrix program. So how much do we make with a team of EIGHT THOUSAND in another forced matrix? Less than $1,000 per month.

And if we were to build out this new pennymatrix.com program to have $8,600+ active members it would pay out roughly $2,000 per month.

Which isn’t bad.
Because heck, an extra $2,000 per month could dramatically improve your life.

Think about it.

How would your life be different if you started raking in an extra $500… $1,000… even $2,000 (or more) each and every month without having to work a lot of overtime or pick up a 2nd job?
Would you be driving the same car?
Would you be living in the same neighborhood?
Would you still find yourself tossing and turning at night worrying?
Chances are… your life would be significantly better with a few extra dollars coming in. Right?
Of course.

So let’s “crunch the numbers” and let me show you perhaps a BETTER WAY to make significant money online fast and why you might NOT want to promote a penny matrix.

A mentor of mine once advised me,
“Stop Stepping Over Dollars to Pick Up Pennies”

And at the time I had no clue what in the world he was talking about.

But as I continued to earn how to make more money in my own business, I soon discovered it is just as easy (or challenging) to sell something that pays you $100 per sale as it is to sell something that pays you only $0.30 per sale.


Think about it this way…

Right now, as I write this blog post, over 2,900 people just like you are sitting down at their computers and searching for “penny matrix” or “pennymatrix” or “penny matrix review” or even “penny matrix scam” each and every month.

Why? Because you heard about the program somewhere… somehow… and you have decided to learn more.

Which is a good thing. And if you like what you find… you can CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE PENNY MATRIX PROGRAM.

Now let’s play with the numbers a little bit by assuming 20% of the people who search for pennymatrix actually find this blog post and 10% of these people actually join the program on a monthly basis.
2,900 people search per month, 580 read this blog post, 58 join the program58 x $0.30 = $17.40 per month, $17.40 x 12 = $208.80 per month end of the year
Okay. Again, not bad. At least we are profitable.

And if you factor in the REAL WORLD reality that about 5% of the people who join will actually also promote the program (the MAJORITY will never sign up a single person regardless of price)… you could reasonably assume you might make $500 per month after a promoting the pennymatrix program for a year.
Bottom line – It takes a LOT of people to make a profit.

Which is not a bad thing if you have an AUTOMATED way of promoting the program – like this blog post.

It might take me 2 hours to research, write and promote this blog post to rank well on the search engines… and once it ranks… each and every month I could expect to sign up about 58 people.

So the KEY to making even more money would be write and review a ton of other programs… get the blog posts to rank… and literally create an automatic money-making machine that works 24/7 even while you are sleeping. Right? And that is exactly what I teach you to do here – Posting On Purpose for Profit. (We make about $40,000 PER MONTH blogging, by the way!)

There are only three ways really to make more money in your own business:
Get more customersEarn more per saleGet customers to buy more
The easiest way I’ve found to make more money fast is to promote programs that pay you a monthly residual income on both your efforts and on the efforts of those you sign up.

So, in this case, (if automated) promoting a penny matrix fits the criteria and makes sense.

But better is to promote a program that pays MORE.

For example, instead of $0.30 per sale… what if you could earn $100 per month for each sale?

Now let’s crunch the numbers – but let’s assume only 1% of the people who read about the program actually join because it is more expensive (again, a REAL WORLD REALITY):
2,900 people search per month, 580 read this blog post, 5.8 join the program5.8 x $100 = $580 per month, $580 x 12 = $6,960 PER MONTH end of the year
Think about that.

The WORK is the same, but the money-making results are not even in the same league.
Stop Stepping Over Dollars to Pick Up Pennies

Promoting a penny matrix program is not a bad idea if you have a way to automate the marketing AND incur little, if any, marketing costs. This can be done by blogging, using social media marketing and even video marketing techniques.

However, if you are honestly serious about taking your business income to the next level – consider programs that pay you at least $100 per month per sale.

Social Media Marketing Strategy

Are you looking for a proven social media marketing strategy
to get more traffic, leads and sales now?

Then be prepared to delve deep into the wonderful world of…

Likes, shares, retweets, pins, repins, friends, followers, bookmarks, +1, Google circles, hangouts, shared documents, videos, embedded videos, syndication, tribes and more.

Lots more.

Because social media is here to stay and if you want to walk on the cutting edge of both internet and mobile marketing, embracing a well-planned social media marketing strategy will be critical to your long term success both now and long in to the foreseeable future.

According to Wikipedia.org (which isn’t always the best place to get accurate information, by the way):

Social media marketing refers to the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites.

Social media marketing programs usually center on efforts to create content that attracts attention and encourages readers to share it with their social networks. A corporate message spreads from user to user and presumably resonates because it appears to come from a trusted, third-party source, as opposed to the brand or company itself. Hence, this form of marketing is driven by word-of-mouth
meaning it results in earned media rather than paid media.

Bottom line? You have a message you want to deliver to the market. You use social media in such a way as to spread your message for you… via word-of-mouth and other sharing technologies.

You EARN this media push (which results in more traffic, leads and sales) by sharing funny, good, useable, valuable or even controversial content.

Notice this Facebook post was “liked” by 52 other people – which means this same post was exposed to their FB network as something they were interested in.

More valuable, this same post was SHARED 48 times. Meaning a copy of this exact post including a link back to my original content was FEATURED to everyone within their network.

So while this one post might have been seen by only a couple hundred of my Facebook friends, the resulting EARNED PUSH might have caused it to been seen by a few thousand people – most of whom we would not be able to reach any other way.

When people share, like or push your content – you are also getting a subtle endorsement, recommendation and nod of approval.

Creating a kick-butt social media campaign is not as cut-n-dry as creating a profitable advertising campaign for a few of reasons:

Crass marketing is not acceptable
Measuring profitability is difficult (you can’t crassly promote)
Gauging the viral aspects of earned media reach is next to impossible.

In other words, you simply want to expose and expand your message in as many ways as possible… through as many social media outlets as possible… to EARN as much word-of-mouth as possible and pretty much execute it all on faith the extra exposure will pay of in branding bucks or actual bank account bucks some time in the future.

You can certainly monetize social media campaigns on the “back end” of the campaign and measure those results, but that is story for another day.

We humans are social creatures.

How we socialize and build relationships is through sharing. It may be sharing something that happened in our personal lives, or it may be sharing something funny on TV. This allows us to be perceived as both INTERESTING and INTERESTED – both of which increase our value to the tribe.

When you use social media effectively, you are providing a way for other people to increase their value within their universe of family, friends, co-workers and associates. Which, in turn, increases your value. Social media is people connecting with others within their network. Social media moves people from a ‘consuming’ content content to ‘publishing’ content. Social media is forming relationships for personal, political, and business use.

Notice how social media is much more than yet another way to publish and distribute content, social media is about creating and enhancing relationships.

So a great social media marketing plan needs to evolve from this understanding because it is NOT just about pushing your brand or new offer out into the market place.

How does that bring value to people and WHY would they even want to share yet another crass commercial message to their family and friends?

One thing to keep in mind when mapping out your social media marketing strategy is to not put all of your eggs in one media basket.

For example, do you remember Friendster or Myspace? Both of these platforms were hot once… but not any more. Had you focused on building out just those platforms you would be missing out on a lot of potential business today.

So the best practice is to expand you efforts into as many outlets as you can – which is pretty easy today by using a variety of syndication tools like hootsuite, socialadr, link monkey and tribe pro.

View the original article here

Social Media Mastery Course


Social Media Mastery Course

Rumour has it Michelle Pescosolido went from ZERO to making a six-figure income in six months using nothing but a Facebook.
Is it true? And even more important…
Can YOU follow in her footsteps, execute what she teaches in her course “Social Media Mastery” and produce the same profitable results?
Let’s find out now…
Michelle teaches her entire social media marketing system in a product called Social Media Mastery
that I picked up a two weeks ago. The product consists of 9 modules which include video training, power-point notes and links to additional resources.
Module One: Introduction to Facebook, and Why You Need to Start NOW!
Module Two A: Getting started with Facebook & Creating Your Sexy Fan Page
Module Two B: Creating a SEXY Facebook Fan Page
Module Three A: Application Tabs that Convert
Module Three B: Overview of Third Party Application – MLSP
Module Four: Navigating Your Admin Panel (CRITICAL if you want to make $ on FB)
Module Five: Free Marketing Strategies on Facebook that Make You Money!
Module Six: Edge Rank & How to Create a Community on FaceBook (powerful)
Module Seven: Facebook Social Plugins that Create Social Buzz

Module Eight A: Facebook Advertising Guidelines
Module Eight B: Facebook Advertising Outside URL’s
Module Eight C: Promoting Status Updates Ads (Engagement Ads)
Module Eight D: Advertising Your Application Tabs
Module Eight E: Optimizing Your Ads

Module Nine: Putting it All Together – My Personal Daily Schedule
Now over the years I’ve learned the fastest, easiest, most fool-proof way to produce a result you want is to find someone who is currently producing that result and simply COPY THEM.
In other words, simply learn HOW they are doing what they are doing and do the same EXACT thing. This puts the odds of success greatly in YOUR FAVOR and… so that is exactly what I did with after investing in the Michelle Pescosolido Social Media Mastery system.
Following Michelle’s Social Media Mastery course to the letter – (if she says do something, I’ve done it) – we created our Fan Page on February 15th and created a couple of application tabs on the 17th using the tools provided by the MLSP system (which rocks, by the way).
First week results? Absolutely incredible!
We went from having ZERO fans to having 434 fans – which gives us exposure to over 168,000 people total. And it costs us ZERO to make this happen. Plus, even better, we have already enjoyed a few leads and sales from our efforts from the people who have visited our application tabs where we present a few products for sale.
It seems almost too good to be true – that it really can be this easy. So far I have only worked through module 1 through module 7.
I give it this course a TWO THUMBS UP.
If you are looking to break into the social media marketing space and leverage the incredible power and reach of Facebook – simply pick up a copy of Michelle Pescosolido’s Social Media Mastery  course – follow her simply instructions and you will surprise yourself down the road at what you can and will accomplish.


Monday 22 July 2013

The American Dream Today

What is the American Dream today?

Is the American dream alive and well or have we now living a nightmare due to errant politics and policies designed to hold us all back from achieving the power, prestige and profits we all deserve?

Do YOU and your family stand a chance in the world of making it big in America (or anywhere in the world) today?

Let’s chat more about that, shall we?

According to Wikipedia,
The American Dream is a national ethos of the United States, a set of ideals in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success, and an upward social mobility achieved through hard work.
The idea of the American Dream is rooted in the United States Declaration of Independence which proclaims that “all men are created equal” and that they are ‘endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights’ including ‘Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.’
Upward mobility… the opportunity for prosperity and success… life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
So according to this definition “the American dream today” appears to be alive and well. Because we all still have the RIGHT to pursue whatever it is in life we desire. Good health, great relationships, political power, prestige and wealth.

But is the process of achieving these ideals as easy and as readily available as they were before?

What about intrusive taxes? Scams? Fraud? Corrupt companies, policies and procedures?

In fact, I would venture to say the American dream has always been about the individual.
Even when we have had worldwide movements – like the civil rights movement – boil it down to the grassroots and every big dream, every big vision started with a individual or a bunch of individuals sharing the same desire for more.

For example, back on October 31 2011 – David Wood and David Sharpe shared a dream of helping the “masses” create true time and financial freedom. And we are not talking about promoting “yet another” network marketing deal or business opportunity – because the masses in these programs do not make money. The masses in most business opportunities (or even professional careers like real estate brokerage or insurance sales) simply do not make big money fast.

The D & D vision was to create a platform and a culture where MOST EVERYBODY actually stood a better than average chance of striking it rich… in whatever amount “rich” meant to them.
40 people heard the vision of Empower Network back in October 31, 2011.

Less than 14 months later… over 4,000 filled a room and 3,700 of them shared they were finally making money. (The other 76,000+ active members could not attend for whatever reason). It doesn't matter how things look or where you find yourself right now. Not enough time, Not enough money, Too much debt, Too tired to care, Fearful of making a wrong decision, Fearful of retiring in poverty, or even, Emotionally and spiritually bankrupt.

Things can and will change for the better when YOU decide you have had enough.
When YOU decide to take back control.
When YOU decide you may not know everything, but you know enough to get started now.

If YOU can dream it, YOU can achieve it – regardless of where you live in the world.

Don't worry about taxes or errant government policies. Don’t worry about the state of the economic affairs.

Don’t worry about if and when something bad will happen… and certainly stopping blaming where you are on someone (or something) outside of your control.
If YOU can dream it… YOU can achieve it.

Visit Dave and Dave's Empower Network Today

The Day Everything Changed

I’ll never forget the day.
The doctor walked in, cleared his throat and said,
I’m sorry. You have cancer. It’s terminal. You have two years, tops. You may want to get your affairs in order.
And in that moment, everything changed…
Because we DID NOT have medical insurance and we DID NOT have life insurance and I realized – right then, in that moment – that I was two years away from leaving my family destitute and penniless.
Which was unacceptable.

So I HAD TO figure out a way to create a passive, residual income FAST – with limited time and energy – to make sure my family would be taken care of financially even if I was no longer physically present to make it happen.

Now call me crazy but the only thing I could think of to do was build a network marketing business – even though I had FAILED MISERABLY six times before!
(Yeah, crazy!)
Long story short…
I knew the only way to virtually GUARANTEE success was to find a few people who were already having success… dig deep to discover what they were doing… and literally copy their proven model.
Which is what I did – and it worked!
Within 18 months we had built a team of thousands and were making a nice six-figure residual income. (Oh, and we beat the cancer but that’s a story for another day!)
So what was the BIG SECRET?
Leads and marketing.
Lead prosperity leads to prosperity!
Today I recommend everyone start with learning how to embrace ATTRACTION marketing online using a program called MLSP.
It costs only $2 to check it out.
I also recommend you join a program that offers HUGE PROFIT POTENTIAL like Empower Network – because it is just as easy to make a $1,000 commission as it is to make a $10 commission. The “work” is exactly the same.
I also recommend you GET STARTED NOW because if not now, when?
Get in, get busy and let’s work together to make 2013 your LAUNCH year.

Visalus Reviews

From Mike's Prosperity Group

Looking for a few Visalus reviews?
Have you seen “Visalus scam” mentioned in a few reviews and are a bit hesitant to move forward because of that?
Let’s take a closer, unbiased (meaning I am not a distributor of their products nor do I promote their business opportunity) look at Visalus and leave the final decision entirely up to you.
One of the best things you can do before jumping into bed with any company or business opportunity is to do your due diligence like you are doing now.
Search the internet and read as many “Visalus reviews
” as you can find.
Study reviews from people who are having success as well as reviews from distributors who are struggling or who have given up on the opportunity. Watch for “Visalus scam
” notices and attempt to determine why people are calling it scam.What seems to be working for those who are successful?What aspects of the system seem to be presenting challenges for people?Has there been any lawsuits filed and by whom?
From your research, what additional costs may be involved that are not readily apparent at first glance?
Are you prepared to handle these additional costs?
Ryan Blair started ViSalus Sciences, a Detroit-based company, in 2005 after building and losing two successful businesses in the dot.com bust. But it has only been in the past few years that Visalus has seemed to EXPLODE on the scene and, according to the the Huffington Post, Visalus is now doing over $600 million per year.
Most new network marketing companies never make it past the five year mark so Visalus has proven themselves to be an established company with a pretty impressive track record of growth and profitability.
On the internet, Npros.com has ranked them as one of the top companies by “interest” – meaning a lot of people are online search for “visalus”, “visalus reviews” and “visalus scam”. In regards to interest, they rank right up there with the giants of the industry like Avon, Amway, Mary Kay and Herbalife.

ViSalus Sciences is a health and wellness company offering a variety of weight loss shakes, meal replacement products and other nutritional supplements like essential oils, whole grape extracts and metabolism boosting tablets. The best selling product is the Vi-Pak line which is promoted as the “Body by Vi Challenge”.
The Vi-Pak product line was created by Dr. Michael Siedman who currently serves as the Director of Product Research and Development for ViSalus.

Customers who buy into the body by Vi Challenge choose from five kits, each designed to address a specific nutritional, weight loss or fitness goal. Each kit comes with the Vi-Shape Nutritional Shake Mix. Some kits also include products to support metabolism, appetite suppression and energy. Anyone who participates in the Body by Vi Challenge can receive their product for free each month by sponsoring 3 or more people who purchase a kit of equivalent value.

So what’s the bottom like regarding the products?
Health and wellness is one of those evergreen categories that will always be in demand.
The challenge is there are a ton of competitors within this niche and if you decide to become a distributor of these products YOU have to ask and answer this most vital question:
“Why will people buy from YOU versus buying from the competition?”
From a business standpoint, we need to dig even deeper because the only way you make money as a distributor for any network marketing company is to move product.
You get paid on product sales. Plain and simple.

This means to make good money you will need to constantly get new customers on the product as keep distributors using the product themselves on a monthly autoship.
So the BIG QUESTION you have to ask is,
“If you did not have the potential of getting paid for promoting these products – would you or any other person in the normal “loss weight” marketplace buy these products, from this company, at these prices?”
Can you get a 90 day weight loss product cheaper?Can you get grape extracts, essential oils and metabolism boosters cheaper from somewhere else?If so, WHY would a person continue to pay inflated prices to buy them from you?
Simple, but sobering answer:

They won’t! Which means to build a profitable business you will HAVE TO find a way to get more new customers and distributors on regular basis than you are losing by attrition from lack of reorders or canceled autoships and distributorships. The ViSalus compensation plan is based on a unilevel pay plan, which has been used by many successful companies in the network marketing industry.
The also offer a significant car bonus which is responsible for getting a lot of the attention the company has enjoyed on the internet. The car bonus has also, on the downside, promoted a lot of the “visalus scam” reviews you might run into. The reason is the car bonus is pushed towards the FRONT of the compensation plan when you hit Regional Director, which requires only $12,500 in product sales volume… and this can be produced by YOU, your downline or your upline! When you reach Regional Director, you get $300 automatically added to your check. Once you actually buy or lease a new or used Black BMW, and you show them the registration papers, they give you $600.

So now let’s play this out in the real world and see if it makes sense.

You decide to join Visalus as a distributor. You get in, get busy and personally sponsor a half dozen people who purchase product. This catches the attention of your sponsor (because most people never do anything!) and they decide to add a few new people to your downline to help you “car qualify” faster.
Pretty exciting, isn’t it?
Now you are car qualified and you get $300 added to your check but you can double this by actually buying or leasing a new or used BMW so you go make that happen. Now you get $600 to help pay for the car. But here is the catch… you must continue to MAINTAIN that product volume if you want to continue to earn that $600 commission check.
Reality check question:
“What is your plan to make that happen?”
You have already exhausted your list of family and friends and your sponsor has moved on to the next shining star to help them get car qualified. So what are you going to do to marketing and promote your new business?
HOW do you intend to get new customers on a regular basis?HOW will you get the business opportunity in front of new prospects?HOW will you marketing and promote the business?
So what’s the bottom line?
Bottom line is Visalus is yet just another network marketing company offering a compliment of health and wellness products.
SOME people make a significant income as distributors of these products but MOST people will never make enough money to even cover the cost of their monthly autoshipment of products.
Is this the fault of the company or opportunity? No.
It is because most people really have no idea what it really takes to build a profitable business once they have exhausted their family and friends.

MOST people don’t have a clue how to MARKET and you are highly encouraged to figure that out first before joining ANY company… including Visalus.

Since 1996, I have built five six-figure, even multiple six-figure businesses online – including a team of over 10,000 active network marketing distributors worldwide. The KEY is learning how to generate leads because “lead prosperity leads to prosperity”. Click Here Now to learn how we have generated over 14,000 lead and have sponsored over 1,000 new distributors into our business in the past few months.

View the original article here